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Re: subgroup

December 15, 2021 10:11AM
The Xerertic subgroup name is an intergrade to Xererts, a Suborder of Vertisols. This means it is a Calciargid that has many of the properties of Xererts but not enough to have identified as one (Vertisols key out before Aridisols). For example, maybe it has less than 30% clay in the upper part, and thus failed to be a Vertisol. Thus "Xerter" + "ic" to indicate the intergrade. They would have been listed a separate words if they were not an intergrade to an existing taxa. "Xer" is listed first because it is the Xeric suborder of Vertisols.
Subject Author Views Posted


hasramezanpour 1070 December 06, 2021 10:17AM

Re: subgroup

ttcf 608 December 15, 2021 10:11AM

Re: subgroup

hasramezanpour 609 December 26, 2021 04:49PM

Re: subgroup

ttcf 572 December 27, 2021 04:41PM

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