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Re: Anthrosols and radioactivity

March 13, 2019 03:06PM
Dear John,

Thanks for the clarification on that. I had thought, for some reason, that the new order was a done deal and would be in the next edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy. It would be useful to have it, in my opinion, considering that urban agriculture will be more important in the near future, and other environmental considerations related to human affected soils. Good luck with the proposal.
Subject Author Views Posted

Anthrosols and radioactivity

Neal Stolpe 1519 February 17, 2019 03:14PM

Re: Anthrosols and radioactivity

JessicaReid 901 October 31, 2019 06:15AM

Re: Anthrosols and radioactivity

ttcf 1253 March 11, 2019 04:10PM

Re: Anthrosols and radioactivity

Neal Stolpe 1072 March 13, 2019 03:06PM

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